Graphic Design of Full Page Ad for DeNovo Wall – Popolo™ Wall Covering
See the wall covering graphic design and photography by Bcreative for DeNovo Wall‘s newest wall covering shown in the January 2014 issue of Interior Design Magazine. DeNovo Wall provides modern wall covering to the interior design and architectural markets to meet any design challenge.
Popolo™ wall covering is the newest design produced by DeNovo Wall, offered in 18 colour options. The asymmetrical squares combined with the modern light reflective “Radiance Wall™” provide a sparkling effect to the pattern. One of the goals of this advertisement was to show the multiple colour offerings of the wall covering in a unique way. The wrapped pencils display the variety of Popolo™ colours with varying light angles to show the reflective nature of the wall covering on a curved surface.
Be sure to check out our past wall covering photography and creative design for DeNovo Wall’s Cirillo™ Wall Covering back in the October 2013 issue of Interior Design Magazine.